Research & Policy Learning Goals

Because NCLDS data are sourced from state agencies and other organizations that already have their own Learning Goals, NCLDS does not maintain a separate set of Learning Goals. Instead, NCLDS collates those existing Goals, identifies the Goals that are cross-sector in nature (since NCLDS’s primary purpose is to answer data questions that span two or more sectors), and groups them to help each Contributor see where its own Goals overlap with those of other Contributors, to encourage cross-agency collaboration on efforts to meet those Learning Goals.

NCLDS refreshes its Learning Goals Summary periodically as Contributors update their own sets of Goals.


Current Learning Goals Summary:

Main Theme: Successful Transitions

Early Childhood > K12 (Elem/Middle) Outcomes

How are the early experiences of young children related to later outcomes?

K12 (Middle/High) > Postsec/Workforce Outcomes

How are the experiences of K-12 students related to college and career readiness?

Postsec > Postsec/Postsec > Workforce Outcomes

How are the experiences of students enrolled in postsecondary education and training related to retention, completion, and workforce (career) readiness?


Detailed List of Learning Goals

While Data Requesters are asked to indicate whether and to what extent their requests will help to answer any of NCLDS’s Learning Goals, data requests currently are not restricted to proposals that directly address those goals.